The Soothing Scent of Jasmine

15 count box - Organic Spring Jasmine Tea Pouches - New Packaging
The soft smell of jasmine blossoms always reminds me of sitting in my Grandmother's garden surrounded by jasmine, fruit trees and herbs.  Ahh!  A gentle reminder that Spring had sprung and Summer was near.

Whenever I want to go back to that memory, I make myself a cup of Mighty Leaf's Spring Jasmine tea.  The soothing scent of jasmine always takes me back to that time when I could smell the jasmine blossoms.

It turns out jasmine is naturally calming and is often used in aromatherapy. In a 2005 study of jasmine, published by the European Journal of Applied physiology, it was concluded the low intensity of jasmine tea was a stress reliever, relaxing autonomic nerve activity and mood.

Mighty Leaf pairs gentle Jasmine with Green Tea in their Spring blend.  Green tea contains high levels of antioxidants, a natural defense against free radicals.  Free radicals can tamper with DNA and scientists believe they contribute to aging, heart disease and cancer.  Jasmine green tea also works as a regulator for people with diabetes and possibly reverse the negative effects that diabetes has on some serum proteins. 

Mighty Leaf Secret Sale

Have you any Sole?

When I see the word Sole, I think of the sun since Sole in Italian means sun.  While the sun may be the biggest form of energy on Earth, there is another type of Sole that also works energetically but has nothing to do with the sun.  This Sole comes in the form of water and salt.

When water and natural salt connect, the negative poles of the water molecules surround the positive ions in the salt and the negative ions in the salt are surrounded by the positive polarized particles of the water molecules. This changes the structure of the water and the salt, and creates something entirely new, a third element. The water no longer is water and the salt no longer salt. The elements have liberated themselves from their restrictions, given up their polarities and reached a higher form of energy. 

Salt has been used therapeutically for hundreds of years and taking Sole every day is the most important and fundamentally essential therapy for anyone.  Some of it benefits are:
  • Regulating the water content throughout your body
  • Promoting a healthy pH balance
  • Reduces the signs of aging
  • Supports respiratory and sinus health
  • Prevents muscle cramps
  • Regulates sleep
  • Supports vascular health
  • Supports your libido
  • Promotes bone strength
  • Reduces cravings
Therapeutic Himalayan Salt Kit
Sole can supply the body with essential trace minerals, harmonize the PH balance in our bodies, improves the appearance of your skin, boosts immunity and increases vitality.

This kit comes with everything you need to make your own Sole including complete instructions.  
Buy Now      $24.95  FREE SHIPPING


Rosemary: Dew of the Sea
Rosemary has been used in culinary arts for centuries and the mere mention of rosemary conjures up thoughts of homemade Mediterranean meals, good wine and cheerful gatherings.  The name of this fragrant perennial herb derives from the Latin word rosmarinus or "dew of the sea" because it requires no water if it grows in the breeze of the sea air.  Rosemary is often used when roasting meats and fish for is woody, mustard-like taste. 

This astringent herb  is high in iron, calcium and B6, as well as, Folate (B9), Vitamin A and C, manganese, potassium, copper and magnesium.  Rosemary can be eaten fresh, cooked or dried.  You can also make a tea from it's fresh or dried needle-like leaves.  

Rosemary has been used to boost memory, mood and concentration.  It is also useful in stimulating the immune system, increasing circulation and improving digestion.  Many asthma sufferers use it to reduce the severity of attacks and increase respiratory function.

You can use rosemary to treat an itchy scalp or dandruff but brewing some leaves to make a rinse. Rosemary oil has been known to keep a youthful glow on your face.  I make boost my astrigent by adding rosemary to a bottle of witch hazel.  

Supermoon 2012

Supermoon 2012 Video
Did you see the Supermoon last night?  I was looking outside my window but I forgot to charge my camera :(  I hear many of you were charging your crystals to get the spectacular energy from this year's Supermoon.  Some of you also had a Supermoon Party, complete with Blue Moon Ale. Good Times :) Tell us, what did you do during the Supermoon last night?