The Soothing Scent of Jasmine

15 count box - Organic Spring Jasmine Tea Pouches - New Packaging
The soft smell of jasmine blossoms always reminds me of sitting in my Grandmother's garden surrounded by jasmine, fruit trees and herbs.  Ahh!  A gentle reminder that Spring had sprung and Summer was near.

Whenever I want to go back to that memory, I make myself a cup of Mighty Leaf's Spring Jasmine tea.  The soothing scent of jasmine always takes me back to that time when I could smell the jasmine blossoms.

It turns out jasmine is naturally calming and is often used in aromatherapy. In a 2005 study of jasmine, published by the European Journal of Applied physiology, it was concluded the low intensity of jasmine tea was a stress reliever, relaxing autonomic nerve activity and mood.

Mighty Leaf pairs gentle Jasmine with Green Tea in their Spring blend.  Green tea contains high levels of antioxidants, a natural defense against free radicals.  Free radicals can tamper with DNA and scientists believe they contribute to aging, heart disease and cancer.  Jasmine green tea also works as a regulator for people with diabetes and possibly reverse the negative effects that diabetes has on some serum proteins. 

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